Colour Therapy & Free Colour Codes To Wear

Personal Styling | WS-Studio

This therapy relies on vibrational healing and certain colours are believed have different effects on the mind and body. In fact, cosmetics companies are now selling scented, coloured bath oils to revive or refresh. If you are feeling really dedicated, or so hung-over that you are unfit for even monosyllabic conversation, you could spend some of the day charging water with the appropriate colour. To do this, pour some water into a coloured glass bottle or place some coloured glass in front of an ordinary clear glass or jar, positioning it so that light from a window shines into the water. Leave it in sunlight for four hours and then drink it.

Ayurvedic, a traditional Indian medicine, places great importance on the healing or discruptive effect of coloured food. If your liver needs some help after a toxic splurge, try eating red foods, such as red cabbage, cherries, cranberry juice and blackberries.

Ayurvedic medicine devides people into three main categories, vata, pitta and kapha, and each one of these can be rebalanced by particular colours. If your main weaknesses are anxiety, fear and overexcitement, you are vata; if you negative sides include anger, frustration, jelousy, hostility and exhaustion, you are pitta; and if you are prone te being be lethatgic, depressive and sorry for yourself, you are kapha.


Vata: You can be calmed by warm, muted colours and benefit from wearing or looking at gold, orange, yellow, deep purple, indigo and brown. Avoid red.

Pitta: You would benefit from cool colours, such as white, pale blues and greens, and shoujld avoid bright or dark colours.

Kapha: You need bright colours, such as scarlet, orange and yellow. Avoid wishy-washy pink, white, blue and brown.


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