Category Archives: dating
Cosmetic Charm Make Up
Make Up | WS-Studio. A universally acknowledged truth is that when a woman reaches a certain age, she needs make-up. I am not suggesting that you should charge off to a beauty counter at the nearest department store and squander … Continue reading
Pre-Date Beauty Tips
DO invest in a swanky new piece of make-up. A good concealer is always indispensable and can be hidden discreetly in a handbag. DON’T experiment with unfamiliar or time-consuming beauty treats, such as face packs or exfoliators. DON’T try a … Continue reading
Change Your Life – How to make your dating profile stand out and where to find love?
It is fashion These days to meet people online. You can find friends, business partners, soul mates and finally your true and the only LOVE. I’m writing this article mostly for girls, but I assume that it may be interesting … Continue reading